Android course in second week the Winter School. Photo: Alberto Medina
New learnings at the VI Winter School in the university.
The thirteen courses planned for this second week of the VI International Winter School at the University of Informatics Sciences (known as UCI) are scheduled to go on successfully.
To know the opinion of enrolled and professors of the courses this reporter visited some postgraduate classrooms.
"I selected the PostgreSQL course because it is one of the programming courses that I like the most, besides contributing a lot to the work that I am currently performing, I am a graduate of the university and I was very interested in this postgraduate course to deepen my knowledge."
"I enrolled in the Winter School because it seems like a good opportunity to be an Automatic Engineer. In my case I was in the first week receiving the course "Introduction to simulation and its applications" and in this occasion I course "Development of Applications on Android". I think the quality of the courses they teach in the university is very good and I hope they contribute a lot in my professional profile because they are linked to the daily work that I perform. "
"I am in the course" Development of free applications of Geographic Information Systems "because it will tax my mastership that I am studying in Santa Clara. In my case we are going to work on a national project that has to do with agriculture and the fields of sowing. The classes are really interesting because they give an overview of these systems in the world that are now relatively new, but with many potentialities. "
"I needed to enroll in the" Design of experiments "course to make my research thesis more clearly.
"The aim of the course is to introduce students to the use of these systems as a tool for decision making and also to make new developments using these free systems taking some examples.
"Throughout the course are several problem exercises that could be solved with this type of application and try to learn how to make new developments on applications that already exist or complete developments to solve problems they need in solving the use of the Geographic Information Systems ".
"This course prepares the professionals in the academic stage to reach the masters or in the scientific to obtain the doctorate, allowing to acquire new knowledge in branches that need to be deepened and that allow to solve complex problems.
"It is the first edition of this course and it has as main objective to identify the designs of the experiments used the most , the characteristics that must be propitiated so that the results obtained are valid, be clear of the limitations, scope and work that entails. In order to obtain the necessary results in each of the stages.
"In these meetings we try to achieve a collaborative learning with the discussion and debate of the different issues so that the students progressively achieve the objectives anticipated in the few days of exchange we have for it."