During this first week the participants were armed with knowledge. Photo: Tania García Torres
International Winter School extends its hands to socialization of knowledge
For the sixth time the International Winter School became a meeting point at the University of Informatics Scienced (known as UCI) between computer professionals from Costa Rica, Honduras, Angola and from this island.
The international postgraduate appointment that takes place every year reaches a high demand of enrollment in the country, also nourished by professionals of the university of Informatics and foreign specialists who show great interest in participating, stated the president of the Organizing Committee of the event, Ph.D. Vivian Estrada Sentí.
Each year, the University convenes about 29 courses. In the first week 15 are taught, five of them are new, although courses such as Linux, among others, get year after year numerous acceptance.
In that sense, the engineer graduated from the university and curent, Henry Marcelo Robles thanked the learning activity of image processing and detection of faces with possible use in security systems.
"This world is very interesting to investigate. It is incredible how much information and analysis can be done in an image and especially integrate systems that we currently have in the University, "said Marcelo Robles, who lamented the short duration of the course.
During this first week the participants are armed with knowledge to invade with solutions, issues of computer security, artificial intelligence and other disciplines related to computer science.