Lic.Professor Fernando Fontana, from Uruguay, teaching PostgreSQL Optimization training. Photo: Alberto Medina and Odalys Falcón.
VIII Meeting PGCUBA in the University of Informatics Sciences
From March 27th to 31st, the University of Informatics Sciences (known as UCI) is the venue of the VIII PGCUBA Meeting, which is held in the Laboratory 103 of the teaching building 4 of this academic institution.
The aim of the event is to encourage exchanges between specialists in database technologies who use PostgreSQL or wish to do so, encouraging the dissemination of experiences with this manager, cooperation between participants and the integration of their communities in Latin America.
It has a general program that includes various activities such as conferences, training, a round table and the presentation of research papers that were previously sent.
Among the issues to be addressed are the past, present and future of this system, the processing of large volumes of data with Postgres-XL (Open Source Scalable SQL Database Cluster), optimization, server monitoring and data migration to PostgreSQL.
In conversation with the MSc. Yudisney Vázquez Ortiz, organizer of the event, we were able to know that since 2009 these meetings are organized that are held annually and that was in 2011 when the trainings were added.
Likewise, Vázquez Ortiz added that there is another group of PostgreSQL users in the Telecommunications Company of Cuba S.A (Etecsa) that works together with the community that exists in the UCI.
Yudisney told us that this time 86 participants attend, of which nine come from other entities such as: Desoft, Etecsa, Casa Consultora Disaic and the University of the Isle of Youth; Three foreigners - a specialist from Colombia and two professors from Ecuador and Uruguay - and the rest of those enrolled belong to our house of high studies.
In addition, he added that there are also four other Cuban professors: three Data Center Technologies (Datec) specialists and Gilberto Castillo Martínez, who is a co-founder of the PostgreSQL User Group in Cuba and press contact of the Global Development Group of This community.
Undoubtedly, a great opportunity to share and socialize experiences and knowledge about this database manager among members of communities in Cuba and other countries in Latin America.