Plenary session The ideological and cultural battle in the Cuban university: a look from the FEU organization . Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz
With the heart in the Homeland
Last Saturday, January 28th , concluded the National Council of the University Student Federation (FEU) at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) recalling the legacy left by our eternal Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and the teachings of the Apostle of our independence.
During this day, the 95th Anniversary Promotional Campaign of the FEU was announced, which has four components: ideological-cultural, historical-traditional, participation and communication.
With varied initiatives, the students will commemorate this celebration by feeling Cuban, creative, joyful, useful and will dedicate their graduations of the school year to this new anniversary and to the physical disappearance of our historic leader, said Jennifer Bello Martinez, national president of this organization.
She also made it known that work is being carried out to revive trekking, the encounter with history, to show on TV shows the lives of university students and an upcoming release of the song composed and sung by students of the Superior Institute of Art (ISA) in homage to this holiday.
There was also a plenary session related to the ideological and cultural battle in the Cuban university: a look from FEU, which was attended by Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, member of the Political Bureau and first vice-president of the State Councils and of Ministers; Ph.D. José Ramón Saborido, Minister of Higher Education; Susely Morfa González, member of the Central Committee of the Party and first secretary of the Union of Young Communists and other guests.
Díaz-Canel in his speech said he was proud to see how the whole of Cuba illuminated the homage to Marti and to Fidel, who was his best disciple. He added that it is very important to understand the current context in which imperialism is sabotaging progressive projects and governments, causing the values of identity to be lost and thus to destroy revolutions.
He also referred to the aspects that dominate the world today: the complexities we live in, the intentions of a capitalist and neoliberal restoration platform, a broad subversion, the complexity of the country's economic and social policy, the natural continuity of the Revolution and the current scenario of Cuba-United States relations.
In the same way, the First Vice President recalled the figure of Julio Antonio Mella, founder of the FEU and the first Communist Party of Cuba, and ended his speech by saying to those present: "Here we have raised the flag and we have been singing to the Homeland ".
To end this session Carilda Oliver Labra's poem, Gracias por todo Fidel, was recited and the university students, very excited, evoked the guide and the leadership of the Cuban Revolution.
The afternoon served as a colophon to discuss the prevention of drug use in universities and to visit the Memorial to the Denunciation (Museum of State Security).
With the love for the country and the reaffirmation of being firm followers of the ideology of Fidel, Cuban university students raise their flags to obtain new conquests and to continue defending our socialism.