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Durante el encuentro, la conferencista enunció las acciones que se desarrollan en nuestro país para promover la aceptación y el respeto a la libre y responsable orientación sexual e identidad de género. Fotos:Alberto Medina Cruz.

UCI joins the campaing for schools free from all kinds of discrimination

Abel Castillo Noriega |
May 9, 2017 - 14:15
Durante el encuentro, la conferencista enunció las acciones que se desarrollan en nuestro país para promover la aceptación y el respeto a la libre y responsable orientación sexual e identidad de género.

Durante el encuentro, la conferencista enunció las acciones que se desarrollan en nuestro país para promover la aceptación y el respeto a la libre y responsable orientación sexual e identidad de género. Fotos:Alberto Medina Cruz.

As part of the 10th  Cuban Conference against Homophobia and Transphobia, the director of the National Center for Sexual Education (Cenesex), Dr.Sc., Mariela Castro Espín, gave the keynote address on discrimination and sexual orientation and gender identity in educational spaces at the University of Informatics Sciencies (UCI).

During the meeting, the lecturer enunciated the actions that are being developed in our country to promote acceptance and respect for free and responsible sexual orientation and gender identity.

During her intervention, she emphasized that Cenesex chose for this occasion the motto “In favor of schools free of  homophobia or transphobia”, to alert the community about the discrimination and confrontation against homophobic school harassment.

The deputy of the Cuban Parliament also said that although the levels of incidence in Cuba are very low, this does not mean that it is not a problem to be addressed by the most important cultural institutions in the community.

In that sense, she suggested generating ideas in favor of this cause and to rethink several concepts in search of new solutions so that no one feels discriminated against.

Likewise she pointed out that the sexual rights of all people should be respected and described the first activity of the “Vilma Espín Guillois” Honorary Chair in Gender Studies as an opportunity to exchange the work of the center in promoting a more inclusive society.

La también diputada al Parlamento cubano resaltó que el Cenesex escogió en esta ocasión el lema Por escuelas sin homofobia ni transfobia.

La también diputada al Parlamento cubano resaltó que el Cenesex escogió en esta ocasión el lema Por escuelas sin homofobia ni transfobia.

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