XIV Workshop on Ideological Political Work Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz
Defending the ideals that unite us
The main focus of this week's conference at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) was to generate spaces that promote the experiences of ideological political work.
The XIV Workshop on Political Ideological Work, which was dedicated to the anniversaries 173 of the birth of Antonio Maceo and 90 of Ernesto Che Guevara, the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the wars for independence in Cuba and the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, drew its curtains with the intervention of the MSc. María Cristina Higaldo Valdés, director of History and Marxism-Leninism in this house of high studies.
In his opening remarks, Higaldo Valdes stressed the need to continue studying the work of the Heroic Guerrilla and the Bronze Titan in order to maintain the legacy of these two great heroes of national history.
Ariagna Gonzalez Landeiro, MSc, outlined in the conference Social networks in political and ideological work several situations that exemplify that cyberspace has become the new battle front and how the most powerful nations have outlined strategies to reach all audiences.
In her speech she also pointed out that in order to have a presence on this platform you have to write daily to gain followers in a constant way, and to be able to become an influential user, maintain a behavior in the networks according to our principles and avoid transmitting relevant data to foreign applications.
During the meeting, 96 papers were presented in the six commissions that focused on the education in values for the formation of students in UCI careers, the teaching-methodological work and the use of ICTs in classes as a space for ideological-political education, the political-ideological struggle in cyberspace, the thought and work of José Martí and Fidel Castro as the ideological foundation of Cuban education, the history of Cuba from curricular and extracurricular experiences of its teaching and the ideological political work in the academic year.
The event, which also included the First Symposium of Honorary Chairs and the Workshop on patriotic military and internationalist education at the local level, contributed to the development of the educational teaching process to face political and ideological challenges in the current scenario.