Lester Collado Rolo, Secretary of the Union Bureau in the UCI, read the call for the Day until May First Day. Photo: Alberto Medina Cruz.
The CTC presents the call for May Day in the University of Informatics Sciences.
The last day of the month of March was chosen by the Central of Cuban Workers (known as C.T.C.) to present in the whole country the call to the May Day, being Artemisa the seat of the national act.
In Havana, the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI) was selected to call on the people of the capital to celebrate May Day in an atmosphere of joy, unity and commitment in the defense of our socialism.
With such motivation, the community met together with members of the University Council and representatives of the political and mass organizations of this center of higher studies.
The meeting was chaired by Ph.D. Miriam Nicado García, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party, of the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba and Rector of the UCI; Gisela Duarte Vázquez, member of the National Secretariat of the CTC; Luis Manuel Castanedo Smit, General Secretary of the CTC in Havana and Mariela Camacho Caballero, General Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the National Union of Workers of Education, Science and Sport in the capital.
The call for the May Day of 2017, held in the context of the celebrations for the 55th anniversary of the Young Communists Union, was read by Lester Collado Rolo, general secretary of the Union Bureau at the UCI:
"The Cuban Workers' Central and its unions are calling for the celebration of International Workers' Day, for all Cubans in an environment of joy, unity and commitment in the defense of our socialism, under the central theme Our Strength is the Unity.
"Many reasons help us to turn the day of the world proletariat into the greatest demonstration of support for our Revolution, Raul and the Communist Party of Cuba, together with the homage of its historic leader, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz. This will be a worthy trench to ratify the sacred oath to comply with the Concept of Revolution endorsed by our people.
"We will dedicate May Day to the Cuban youth, who today, as never before, are the continuators of the work of those who almost 60 years ago changed the course of historic homeland to make Cuba a free and independent nation, an example of sovereignty, Dignity and heroism before the world.
"This day will be a propitious moment to enhance the value of work, maximize the use of the efficiency reserves that exist in each labor group, save resources based on the fulfillment of the production and service plans, as well as recognize those who more stand out in this endeavor.
"On this occasion we are invited to important events that enhance our history and tradition of struggle, such as the 56th anniversary of the victory of Playa Girón and the proclamation of the socialist character of the Revolution, the 55th anniversary of the creation of the Youth Communists Union and the 50th anniversary of the fall of the heroic guerrilla fighter Ernesto Che Guevara, promoter of the struggle for the industrialization of the country, the impulse to the daily fulfillment of the duty, the labor discipline, the quality of the production, the voluntary work and the movement of innovators and rationalizers.
"We will highlight the example and the lessons that were brought to us by labor leaders such as Lázaro Peña González, Jesús Menéndez Larrondo, José María Pérez Capote and Aracelio Iglesias Díaz among others who identify the different unions and workers in their highest values.
"This May Day we will ratify the firm conviction that with our own efforts and proven ability to fight and win, we will continue to carry out the process of updating the economic-social model that, by decision of the Cubans, we have chosen with the objective of developing the country and achieve the welfare of the people.
"These activities will promote the knowledge and support in the labor centers for the implementation of the guidelines derived from the 7th. Party Congress, aimed at building a sovereign, independent, socialist, democratic, prosperous and sustainable nation.
"Again, in the compact and colorful parade through squares and avenues, we will multiply the claim of our workers for the end of the criminal and genocidal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba and demand the return of the illegally occupied territory of the base Naval of Guantánamo. At the same time, we will ratify our solidarity with the peoples who in the world are fighting against discriminatory policies, which in the labor sphere, applies neoliberal capital.
"The global workers' party will take place at an international juncture characterized by the right-wing offensive in Latin America and its manipulations against democratic processes and their leaders in the region.
"Cuba reiterates its support to the Bolivarian Revolution and the Venezuelan people in their struggle for sovereignty and self-determination, while expressing their most decisive contribution to the consolidation of the economic, social and cultural integration mechanisms of the Community of Latin American States and Caribbean (CELAC) to successfully meet the challenge of conquering a better world.
"Nothing and nobody will be able to stop us. The Cuban people will win.
"Long live the May Day! Long live Fidel and Raul ! Until victory forever !"·