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Candidate nomination Assembly in School 4. Photo:Abel Castillo Noriega.

Candidate Nomination process advances at UCI

Abel Catillo Noriega |
October 18, 2017 - 15:30
Candidate nomination Assembly in School 4

Candidate nomination Assembly in School 4. Photo:Abel Castillo Noriega.

With a massive participation in School 4, the candidates Nomination Assembly for delegates to the People's Power municipal assemblies took place this Wednesday, presided by Raúl Espinosa Reyes, Secretary General of the Communist Party Committee in this center and MSc. Ariagna Gonzalez Landeiro, coordinator of the Cuban electoral process at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI).

Voters from Constituency 87 came to exercise their constitutional right to propose and elect those people with the greatest merit and capability to represent them in the local governing bodies.

In the assembly, where the legacy of the Cuban Revolution leader, Fidel Castro prevailed as the key motivation, those attending the meeting elected Yasirys Terry González as a candidate for delegate to People’s Power because of her leadership capacity and her participation in the impact tasks carried out in this institution.

The participants in the meeting elected Yasirys Terry González as a candidate for Delegate to People's Power

The participants in the meeting elected Yasirys Terry González as a candidate for Delegate to People's Power.

Voters in Constituency 87 chose those people with the greatest merit

Voters in Constituency 87 chose those people with the greatest merit.

Candidate nomination Assembly in School 4

Candidate nomination Assembly in School 4.

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